Monday 23 March 2020

Tips - Call of Duty : Multiplayer Mode

Call of Duty – Multiplayer Mode
There are a number of different multiplayer maps and modes to play. The core modes are Frontline, Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search & Destroy, Domination, Free for All, Practice vs AI.

Then there are features special modes - for example - Standoff - Halloween, Sniper Only, Gun Game, Prop Hunt. There are incentives for playing all types, so keep your eyes on the Battle Pass to see where you can gain rewards. The featured modes come and go.

The maps vary by the game type, changing to suit the type of game you're going to play: Killhouse, Nuketown, Hijacked, Scrapyard, Summit, Crash, Crossfire, Standoff, Firing Range, Takeoff, Raid. The first three are pretty small, the second eight are larger, changing the style of play. The Cage map is due to be added.

Increase your XP to unlock more loadouts: As you play you'll earn XP to rank up - and unlock extra loadout slots. You can have five different loadouts, each with primary and secondary weapons, grenades, an operator skill and three perks, meaning you can choose a different loadout to for different maps.

Choose your weapons wisely: The loadout you carry determines what you enter the game with - and this will change based on the map and game type you're playing. Maps like Killhouse, Hijacked and Nuketown are great for SMGs because it is close quarters combat; a map like Crossfire is great for longer range weapons.

You can't hide in multiplayer: While you can stay out of sight, or find a corner or building to lurk in, when playing multiplayer the two sides are separated by the enemy wearing red flashes on their uniform. Camouflage doesn't really matter in that sense, as you can spot the red marks even when hiding. You can be spotted by a UAV and placed on the map - so remember, you're not invisible.

Use the slide: You can tap the down button when running to slide. This is unpredictable and gives you a much better chance of making it to cover and avoiding getting shot.

Get familiar with crouch: Lying down in Call of Duty: Mobile multiplayer modes will often mean you get shot. But the crouch is really useful, decreasing your visible area while still letting you move around. There's even a Perk for this, Skulker, which makes you faster when moving crouched.

Use sprint: Sprinting means you can move faster. You can slide up the forward controller or tap the sprint button to do this. There's a menu option for always sprint too, but use this with caution, it sometimes means you can't stop as accurately as you want and you might end up running into you enemy by mistake. There's also a Perk to make you faster. Use it.

Go to your pistol: The MW11 or M1911 is a great sidearm and it will take people down just as readily as a rifle when you're up close. Often it's faster to switch to the pistol than it is to reload your primary weapon. It's great for maps like Nuketown when things get crazy in the middle. Avoid the silencer though, it lowers the range.

Use your grenades: When the fighting gets tough, often there isn't time to grab a grenade, but it's a great opening move: on maps like Killhouse and Nuketown, lobbing the grenade from one end to the other is fairly easy and can quickly wake up your enemy. Just make sure you don't run into your own grenade and make sure the opening immunity has expired.

Master the scorestreaks: The scorestreaks are really powerful. You have three slots to fill and these can be anything from a hunter killer drone to a stealth helicopter. Some are AI guided, others offer manual control. The predator missile, for example, needs to be guided to where you want it to hit. The sentry gun can be placed and left, cutting down the enemy when they come around a corner, but can also be damaged by enemy fire. To activate scorestreaks, you need to get mixed in with the enemy and take some scalps.

Take the fight to the enemy: In games like Frontline and Team Death-match, take the fight to the enemy. Hanging back might mean you're out of the game not doing anything while your teammates are locked in fighting. Find those strategic points on the maps and dominate them, pinning your enemy in.

Get fancy with smoke: Smoke grenades are actually very useful. If the enemy has you pinned down, obviously, but if there's sniper in a building you can't get past, smoke out the room by lobbing that grenade through the window. Or drop smoke to give you cover while you retreat from invincible respawned enemy.

Pick the loadout for the map and the team: The multiplayer maps encourage a range of different gameplay styles. Crossfire, for example, has a lot of places for snipers, whereas Nuketown does not. Vary your loadout to suit the map and the team: it you have five players with sniper rifles on Nuketown, you might struggle. Be prepared to switch to maximize team performance.

Top tip for Hijacked: If you're playing on the Hijacked map, there's a secret passage through the boat that will take you from one end to the other. This can bring you up behind the enemy so you can even up the score. Just head into the cabin and look for the hole in the floor.

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Thrissur Pooram

Thrissur Pooram                                           (